Commented on Uncharted:
   "I just read your chapter on "Falling." It was quick, to the point, a little comical and thought provoking. A quick, insightful look into a life-changing moment. Thanks."
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7 years ago

Commented on Haunted:
   "Just read your story about seeing your great grand mother. Strange how such a simple story could evoke an uncomfortable feeling of eeriness. Good work."
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7 years ago

Commented on Haunted:
   "Read the first chapter. I was intrigued and even a little scared. Looking forward to reading more."
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7 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "Your stories are always good for a chuckle. I'm finally up to date and looking for more. Thanks."
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8 years ago

Commented on No Vacancy:
   "Concerning your first post: Hey, Lisa. Men do have their issues but as one of the "nice ones' I know how difficult it can be out there. Women can be as harsh as men when it comes to "getting what they want from a guy." My preference is to stay as far away from dating as possible and maintain a secure relationship. Yeah it's hard to find and difficult to maintain but the alternative drives me crazy. P.S. I'm in agreement with what you said about guys. We are pigs."
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8 years ago

Commented on The Millennial Cycles: Menazia Reborn:
   "Thanks for the read and the compliment. I hope it will get published soon. Take a look at my next novel on "The Dream Dilemma - Reflections of EL - Book 2." It's listed under Paranormal. It continues Dyllon's (or maybe my) journey. Your book Millennial Cycles is intriguing. Really enjoying it."
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8 years ago

Commented on The Millennial Cycles: Menazia Reborn:
   "Read chapter one and I'm enjoying your writing style and detail."
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8 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "Great real-life comedy. You can't make this stuff up. Always looking forward to the next. Lloyd"
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8 years ago

Commented on The Misadventured Piteous Overthrows of a Self-Taught Lit Snob:
   "Fascinating stuff. The confusion, which is always a writer's lot is made sometimes clear to me in your movement through the never-ending mind and heart. of inspiration. Up to chapter 3."
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8 years ago

Commented on Obvious Secret Identity:
   "About Angry food Critic. Trying not to be a snob but new York City has the best pizza. This means I agree with your early premise. I lived in the Midwest for a few years and I could not believe what they got away with calling pizza. There's no place like home. Great story."
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8 years ago

Commented on Ghosts of Eagle Valley:
   "I was surprised to find these four relaxing stories concerning ghost. Didn't think there was such a thing. I really like your style of writing. Thank you for these. Lloyd"
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8 years ago

Commented on So, You're Thirty!:
   "In your last story, "A literal bag of garbage would have made a better boyfriend," painted a great mental picture. Enjoying the read. Looking forward to the next."
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8 years ago

Commented on So, You're Thirty!:
   "I'm up to "Survive an abysmal first date." Telling the #6 shnook that "Since I rate higher than most, I don't know why I went out with you," was classic. Hey. I'm enjoying your humor. Now let me read on."
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8 years ago

Commented on Obvious Secret Identity:
   "Long bus rides can be a pain. Almost thought you found a new girlfriend but she sounded like she was a little long in the tooth :)"
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8 years ago

Commented on Searching For Cereus:
   "I've just finished reading your poetry. As soon as I read the first, "The Saddest Thing," I wanted to send you a comment on how deeply it moved me. Instead, I quickly contacted my daughter (who is going through some things) and shared it with her. Her exact response was, "Thank you for the poem. It was beautiful." I read the rest of your poetry and I sincerely wish there was more. As one who has felt the pain of loss as you have, I can identify. I am looking forward to the next set. Great work."
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8 years ago

Commented on Obvious Secret Identity:
   "Really enjoying our series. It's very relatable. On one hand the kid with little confidence so he dropped out of the baseball team was very sad. The the other hand, I'd like to be the fly on the wall when his parents realized that he really had no intention of continuing. I mean, $700.00. Let's be for real. I bet that explosion was in the newspapers."
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8 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "Funny and creepy about your on-line date. I've got to disagree with you and Heather about the the potential success through this process though. I've met a couple of dingbats on-line but after about five months, I found the love of my life and we've been together for eleven years and still counting. On-line dating is just another way for people to meet each other."
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9 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "Bad Bunnies was hilarious. Thanks for that one. Grown men can be the biggest kids. Lloyd"
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9 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "Really liking your series. "Merely A Player" and "Lactose Intolerant" had me cracking up. Really enjoying your series."
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9 years ago